NM 25: Kingdom of Godnm1042 >> Is there a heaven? In many churches members look upon going to heaven as going above the clouds and beholding God always while being in a state of heavenly bliss. Not too much detail is given, except it is a much better place to be than hell. According to many, if you go to hell, you are in a fire suffering forever (Last Judgment). But if you go to heaven you are blessed forever and you will live in one of the heavenly mansions in cities paved with gold. If you get to heaven there will be no work, no suffering, no day, no night. Everyone eats from the tree of life and worships God forever enjoying the beatific vision. nm1043 >> In the Koran, one description of heaven for the males is having a continuous supply of virgin "companions," with alcoholic drink and delicate food to eat - a continuous orgy and feast (Sura 56:4-41ff). This belief is not particular to the Koran, for many others also believe that the pleasures forbidden them on earth will be their permissible pleasure in heaven. But are the sinful "pleasures" denied on earth, the rewards of heaven? Or does this have more to do with the other-mind's pleasures being projected into mankind's physical mind in this age? (See "Other Mind" paper [NM 21]) What the Bible SaysBut what does the Bible say about the "reward" for Christians? Do they go to heaven? nm1044 >> Go to Heaven? Now since the word "heaven" or "heavenly" is used interchangeably with "spirit" or "spiritual" (1Cor 15:44-49; see Duality Paper), then at Christ's coming, when we are infused into the spiritual dimension, we will, so to speak, go to heaven or go to the spiritual dimension. But at Christ's coming is also the end of the Beast of Revelation's rule ("Beast-System Paper" [PR2]), and the beginning of God's rule through his Christ and his saints (Dan 7:11-14, 24-27; Rev 19:20-20:4; 2Thes 1:7, 10). At Christ's coming there will be clouds in the sky (Dan 7:13; Mat 24:30; Rev 1:7; Ezek 32:7; Isa 13:10; Joel 2:31; 3:15; Amos 8:9; Rev 6:12-13; Zech 14:7) from the effects of the Last War [PR5], the two witnesses will be resurrected and ascend into heaven in a cloud (Rev 11:12), the other Christians also will ascend into heaven at that same time to meet Christ in the air (1Thes 4:13-17; 2Thes 2:1; 1Cor 15:23, 51-55) to be with Christ always, and because at that time Christ will come down to earth to rule, the Christians will bring Christ down (Rom 10:6) to rule on earth for the 1000 years (Rev 20:4; 5:10; 11:15), for Christ's kingdom will rule on the earth (Rev 5:10 Greek text; Psalm 37:29, 9; Mat 5:5). Thus, "heaven" as commonly thought of, is not the "reward" Christians receive, per se. Remember here that any "reward" Christians receive is not earned; we receive all from God as a gift (See NM 8-11). nm1045 >> In this book we have given you, here and there, some aspects of the heavenly "rewards." Let's review and put the facts together, so in one place we can see what these "rewards" will be:
Jesus Christ: "You are my friends if you do what I command... My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you" (John 15:12, 14). "Yes, I am coming soon" (Rev 22:20). ![]() Donate to spread the Word (c) Copyright 1971-2016 by Walter R. Dolen |