BeComingOne Church
the BeComingOne Church
On the Web since 1996; Legally organized in 1977
Frequently Asked Questions
The only true Church of God is the Spiritual Body of Christ
"For in one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body" (1 Cor 12:13)
Why is the BeComingOne Church called the "BeComingOne" Church?
Who is the principle leader or pastor of the BeComingOne Church?
What is the most important doctrine?
What is our position on Church doctrine?
What do we believe concerning the nature of God?
Is baptism necessary for salvation? What is the form of baptism? Sprinkling, pouring, immersion, or Spiritual?
Do Christians go to church on Sunday or Saturday?
Can I join the BeComingOne Church?
Is the BeComingOne Church a "new age" church?
Do we want a one-world government?
How is the physical BeComingOne Church Organized?
Do members have to believe in all the written doctrines of the BeComingOne Chruch?
Do members have to tithe?
What about the scripture, Freely you have received, freely give? (Matt 10:8)
If you can only be saved by the Name of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:10, 12; Acts 10:43), how can the prophets and others of the Old Testament be saved and be in the Kingdom when Christ returns? (see Luke 13:28)
Question # 1:
Why is the BeComingOne Church called the "BeComingOne" Church?
1) The word, BeComingOne, in the "BeComingOne Church" is one way of translating God's Name. In the Introduction to the Emphasized Bible, on page 26 it reads:
"So the force of yahweh thus derived, as a verb, would be 'He will become'; or, as expressive of use and wont, 'He becometh.' Then, passing into use as a noun, it is -- He who becometh,' 'The Becoming One.' " (see our God Papers, Part 1 for more information on God's Name.)
2) Another reason we call our church the "BeComingOne Church" is that we harmonize scripture. By perceiving the similar patterns in the Bible we do away with paradoxes, contradictions, and multiple explanations of scripture. We help you see the oneness of scripture. There is a pattern to scripture that points to Christ, His Kingdom of God, His people (Spiritual Israel), His Spirit, and His glory. This pattern repeats itself time and time again. Most teachers interpret the scripture in complex ways that perplex their students. We simplify and harmonize scripture. Read all of our papers and documents to better understand this. (Papers on the internet and our Books and Documents)
See a picture of our Church
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Question # 2:
Who is the principle leader or pastor of the BeComingOne Church?
Our Spiritual leader is Jesus Christ. He is our only Spiritual leader; we follow him Spiritually as our writings make plain. We believe that too many physical churches or groups have made a man their leader and have turned into cults: following the man instead of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. We emphasize Jesus, our leader. See a picture of our Leader
Physical leaders: There is only one Spiritual church, but there are many, individuals, groups or physical churches around the world. Many churches have physical leaders who claim to have been called by God to be "ministers," "preachers," "bishops," "elders," and so forth. These physical leaders say they have been "appointed," or "anointed," or "ordained," and so forth by some religious body or by some "vision" from God. With this "ordination" they can marry people, perform baptisms and so forth. Whether these physical leaders are ordained by God is another matter. Christ and his Apostles were, more or less, not men of great book learning (John 7:14; Acts 4:13; Matt 11:25), but men of the Spirit and the Spiritual gifts from God with physical knowledge of the Bible. So it behooves us to be careful how we decide who is or who is not a physical leader of our churches. If we have the New Mind we will eventually make the right decisions.
Christ promised to lead us (the Spiritual Church) into all the truth. (John 14:16-17, 26; 15:26; Acts 1:7-8; 2:32-33) Come join us spread the good news about the kingdom of God and the New Age until He comes in His power and glory.
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Question # 3:
What is the most important doctrine?
The most important doctrine of the BeComingOne Church is the system of love, the new commandment given to the Apostles by Christ on the night before his death. (see System of Love)
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Question # 4:
What is our position on Church doctrine?
Our position on doctrine is that we strive to hold only the true doctrine of the Spiritual Church of God. If we find any error in our written doctrine, we will correct it. To the best of our ability, we must each prove all things.(1 Thes 5:21; Acts 17:11) We are human and we must be always on the lookout for error. We must have an open mind, so we can correct any of our errors.
"All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility ... But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of opinion is, that it is robbing the human race ... If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error." (On Liberty, Chapter 2; This quote appears in most of our books)
We of the Spiritual Body will hold the Truth according to power that God gives us, not according to how hard we try, or how much education we have, or how well we speak. (Eph 4:7; 1 Cor 12:11; see Grace According to Measure)
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Question # 5:
What does the BeComingOne Church believe concerning the nature of God?
Because there are so many views on God we cannot give a short answer. Jesus said, "All things have been handed over to me by my Father; and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." (Luke10:22) So it is not easy to understand the Father or the Son except if the Son chooses to reveal it. This is why there are so many churches who seemed confused about the nature of God.
Read the God Papers to understand our position. We examine the problem of the trinity, the paradoxes on God, the problem of evil, etc. Most physical churches do not teach the hard-to-understand scriptures on God. (see Paradoxes) You will find some parts of the God Papers on the net. The others you may read if you go through the procedure as described in About our Site.
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Question # 6:
Is baptism necessary for salvation? What is the form of baptism? Sprinkling, pouring, immersion, or Spiritual?
Answer: Real baptism, Spiritual baptism, is necessary for salvation. But what do we mean by "real" baptism? See our paper on Baptism for the Biblical answers. Remember, it was John who baptized with water, but Christ is the one that baptizes with the Spirit.
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Question # 7:
Do Christians go to church on Sunday or Saturday?
Answer: Christians go to church every day because they have the Spirit of the true Church inside of them leading them. Christians are always in Church because they are the Church. Christians are not like the actors who sanctimoniously go to church on either Saturday or Sunday, but the rest of the time sin against God and themselves. Christian do gather together, either in person or by letter or by Spirit or by computer or by the Holy Scriptures, even more so as they see the end-time coming.
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Question # 8:
Can I join the BeComingOne Church?
When you have the New Mind, the New Spirit in you, you are in the Spiritual Church of God. No one can join the Spiritual Church of God unless, God gives them the power to join. Yes, you can join and we want you to join the physical organization (the BeComingOne Church) and help spread the truth to the old age. (Join) But you are only in the Spiritual Church of God, if you have God's Spirit (the New Mind). The only way you can tell if you are Spiritually in the Church is if you have the proof that you have the New Mind. Read the "Proof" paper and other New Mind papers to understand more.
Get it out of your mind that when you join a church you "go to church." No, to be in the Church you do not "go to church" you are in the Church Spiritually. The Church is not a physical building. This means you can meet with fellow Christians in the Church through the Internet as well as in person. The Internet is perfect for the flock spread throughout the world.
For more information concerning the Spiritual Church, read our papers on the Internet. Look up the scriptures. See About our Site and start taking the course that may lead you to better understand Jesus and the Kingdom of God. Support the BeComingOne Church and start to become a part of the end-time team. When you support our work you become a participating member and are taking a step in becoming a physical member of the BeComingOne Church.
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Question # 9:
Is the BeComingOne Church a "new age" church?
Yes and no. We believe in the coming Spiritual New Age, which is now typically represented by the Church. But we don't believe that mankind alone can bring on a new age of peace and harmony. Mankind's goal should be for peace and harmony, but man's "nature" makes it impossible for perfect peace and harmony to exist.
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Question # 10:
Do we want a one-world government?
Yes and no. We believe in the coming Spiritual and physical one-world government, but we believe that only God can and will make this possible through the Messiah.
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Question # 11:
How is the physical BeComingOne Church Organized?
- top-down authority?
- horizontally organized?
- do the members influence the organization?
All three.
- In the Spiritual Church of God, Christ is at the top and is the central authority under God, and we take our marching orders, so-to-speak, from him through his Spirit.
- There are no "lay" members. Each member is responsible for:
(a) proving their salvation to themselves and growing in Spirit;
(b) spreading the Good News of the Kingdom of God (etc.) locally and internationally through the physical church;
(c) using the system of love, the law of love, to grow in Faith, and to love their brothers and sisters.
- Members freely volunteer to associate themselves with the physical BeComingOne Church. Each member influences the organization because each member is a part of the Body of Christ, the Church, if he or she has the Spirit of God. The degree of participation in the physical church depends on the members' knowledge and situation.
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Question # 12:
Do members have to believe in all the written doctrines of the BeComingOne Chruch?
No. The core belief of the BeComingOne Church is the system of love, the law of love. We understand that there are "mindsets" that prevent some from accepting some doctrine. It may take time to understand the balanced approach to "Freedom and Law," or to understand the significance of the Name (YHWH) of God, or other aspects pertaining to God. If a potential member disagrees with a significant amount of doctrine, the question can be asked, why would someone want to be a member if they disagree with many of our positions on doctrine?
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Question # 13:
Do members have to tithe, that is, give ten percent of their income to help the Church.
Yes and No. Giving ten percent was part of the Old Testament law. This law was superseded by a higher law, the Spiritual law of God, the system of love, which goes deeper than the letter of the law.
We support our belief according to our means, according to the degree of our belief, and according to our circumstances. In some cases more than ten percent will be given, in other cases, less. In all cases we give our life to Christ. We all need to help publish to the world. Be a partner. Help support this work.
NOTE: No one witinin this physical Church has ever received a salary from this organization in 36 years. We are volunteers. This doesn't mean we think it would be wrong. It is just what we have been able to do over the years.
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Question # 14
What about the scripture, Freely you have received, freely give? (Matt 10:8)
See Freely ...
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Question # 15
If you can only be saved by the Name of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:10, 12; Acts 10:43), how can the prophets and others of the Old Testament be saved and be in the Kingdom when Christ returns? (see Luke 13:28) Jesus Christ came in the flesh.(1 John 4:2-3) Jesus was born after the prophets died. Yes, how can the prophets be saved by his Name?
The prophets witnessed about Jesus even though they may not have know him as well as we do. (Acts 10:43; Heb 1:1; Acts 3:21-24; 1 Pet 1:11) So in a general way the prophets knew about the Messiah.
Saved Through the Name. We are saved by Christ’s Spirit, when we are Spiritually baptized into his Name. (See New Mind Papers; Acts 2:38; 10:43; Matt 28:19) Christians are baptized "into the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." (Matt 28:19) We know what the Father’s Name is from God Papers, Part 2. The Father’s Name was YHWH or the BeComingOne, the Will-Be One. We know the Son’s Name is also YHWH, the BeComingOne, because the Son came in the Name of his Father. (John 5:43; 10:25; Matt 21:9; etc.) The Son came in the Father’s Name because the Father gave his Name to his Son. (John 17:11-12 [see Greek Text]; Jer 23:5-6; 33:14-16) This is Jesus Christ’s new Name. (Rev 3:12) Jesus did his work in his Father’s Name. (John 10:25) We also know that the Name of the Holy Spirit is also YHWH, the BeComingOne. God the Father’s Name is the BeComingOne. (GP2) God is Spirit. (John 4:24) The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God since God is Holy. The Holy Spirit of God has the Name of God as the angel of God had the Name in him. (Ex 23:20-21; remember angels are spirits. [Heb 1:7]) When you are baptized into the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you are baptized in the very Name of God. You are then sons of God.
Saved Through the Spirit. So how can the prophets of the Old Testament be saved? If they were given the Holy Spirit, which has the Name of God, then they will be saved. This Holy Spirit is the very Spirit Christ was given. In a sense, this Spirit was the "Spirit of Christ" since it is the very same Spirit – the Holy Spirit of God with the Name of God in it. God’s Spirit is Christ’s Spirit. (Rom 8:9) The Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, and the Holy Spirit are the same One Spirit now in the Church. (Luke 4:1; Eph 4:4-5; Eph 2:18; 1 Cor 12:3, 13; 1 Cor 6:17; 1 Thes 4:8; Eph 1:13; 4:30; Acts 2:4; John 1:33; 7:39) Thus, the prophets taught and searched because the "Spirit of Christ," the very "Holy Spirit" was in them. (1 Peter 1:11; 2 Peter 1:21) Therefore, the prophets will be saved and in the Kingdom when Christ comes again, if they had the Holy Spirit in them when they prophesied. Scripture says they did have the Holy Spirit, Christ’s Spirit, in them. (2 Peter 1:21; 1 Peter 1:11) Therefore, they will be in the Kingdom at Christ’s coming. (Luke 13:28)
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