Press of the BeComingOne Church |
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BP5: Premises for BeliefHow to Read These Papers ¶ bp106» The BeComingOne Papers were written to inform. All "Papers" were written in one form or another over decades. Together they are called -- BeComingOne Papers. To every set of beliefs there are premises. In this paper we amplify on our premises. How To Read These Papers¶ bp107» Because tradition is so strong and because each of us has a "mindset," we must be deliberate when reading the BeComingOne Papers. The BeComingOne Papers concern serious matters and must be read with this in mind. First, read the papers through once. Next, read them looking up our documentation. After this, read all the papers again. When you follow these three steps you should have a good idea what we are trying to convey to you. ¶ bp108» Be careful. Because you have learned your views on God, the Bible, Evolution, Christianity, Science, and the meaning to life from tradition, you will be shocked by some of the papers in the BeComingOne Papers. Think. Question. There is something happening on earth. There is a reason for evil. God, the Power, is much more powerful than most think: "Jesus said to them, You err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the POWER of God." (Mat 22:29) The might of the Power, the God of the universe, will make all become one. ¶ bp109» "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Heb 11:1) Real faith is not naive, but based on substance of Spiritual faith (see NM papers). We seek real faith based on evidence from the past, from the present and from the future. How can we believe in the Bible? How can we know there is a God who created the universe? What can we base this faith on? Premises1. There is a God¶ bp110» Law. The evolutionary theory always starts with laws like those of heat, energy, motion, gravity, etc. Evolution in a sense is a law or process of increasing order from randomness. Law projects order and intelligence. The genetic code of life found in our DNA also projects high intelligence. How can law code of DNA evolve? The laws of the universe must have come from somewhere. God is the creator of law. (Isa 33:22) ¶ bp112» Beginning. The fact of radioactivity indicates there was no eternity of matter. If matter always existed, without a starting point, then the "life" period of the radioactive elements would have long ago run its course, that is, the radioactive elements would have run down and there would not be any radioactive elements left. Thus, there was a beginning of matter; God created matter. (Gen 1:1) The big bang theory needs to explain where the material and energy for the big bang theory came from. God, the all powerful Being, by definition, must have always been there, or else there is nothing and we are nothing and so this dialogue doesnt exist. Either the all powerful god of Evolution was there at the beginning or the all powerful God Being was there. The evolutionists can prove evolution by showing/demonstrating evolution (a new species); the creationists can prove creation by the God Being creating again or by resurrecting the dead. ¶ bp113» Life. The ecosystems from the biochemical cell to the earth, sea, and heavens indicate everything was planned, for the theory of evolution maintains that life was a hit and miss adventure ("natural selection" or "mutation," etc.). If this was so, then the earth would be filled with the inferior products of the evolutionary process, and that the "missing link" would greatly outnumber the surviving species. There should be fossils of the inferior products of the evolutionary process everywhere, in all the strata, in the rocks. In other words, the rejections of the evolutionary process should be polluting our world. Where are these fossils? Life came from God. (Genesis chapter 1) 2.The Bible Is The Word Of God That Reveals The Purpose Of The Creation.¶ bp115» A. The Bible in its original languages is a doctrine given to mankind through spiritual influence in the minds of many individuals over approximately a 1500 year period. (2Tim 3:16; Heb 1:1-2; 2Pet 1:20-21; see "Bible Paper" [BP3]; see below) ¶ bp116» B. How was the Bible written and how was it inspiredHow was the Bible written and how was it inspired? It was written by humans in situations that were planned and predestinated. The writers' languages (with its vagueness) their societies (with their complexities), their environments (micro and macro), and their biology (with its direct and indirect influences) were all planned, predestinated, and carried out by The Power. Each complete thought written had its type and antitype. The writer himself may have only intended the physical or typical meaning, but The Power predestinated its antitypical meaning (note 1Cor 9:9-10; see "Duality Paper" [BP4]; etc.). The Power made it possible for the writings to be copied and passed down to our time in an accurate enough form (not too accurate so as to make it obvious that we were being manipulated, yet accurate enough). The Power is in full control because he is all powerful. He thinks of billions of things and their interconnections. We think of a few interconnecting things. No cosmic soup can produce intelligence. We must be intelligent about this. There is something going on. Life and death have their purposes. ¶ bp117» C. Any apparent contradiction is just that, it only appears at first examination to be a contradiction. A total understanding of the Bible answers all apparent contradictions in a logical way. God is a God of logic: "Come now, and let us reason together says the Lord." (Isa 1:18) ¶ bp118» D. The Bible interprets itself; it interprets its own symbols.
¶ bp119» E. The Bible shows its reader HOW to read it in order to understand it. The Bible says it is "profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction." (2Tim 3:16) But one must know how to read it to get this information. There are four principles to know about when reading the Bible before one can understand it.
¶ bp137» The proof of premise 3 ("the Bible is the word of God that reveals the purpose of creation") is that logical answers concerning the creation and its purpose have been ascertained. And these solutions remove all apparent Biblical contradiction. For example, it explains how God, who is love (1John 4:8), can also be a killer. (Deut 32:39) Love has nothing to do with killing, and since God is love, how can he also be a killer? That is surely a Biblical contradiction. How can God be love and a killer? The fact is that people do not know something about God that explains this "contradiction." The True God is love and won't and can't kill, but God is a killer! Now what kind of nonsense is that? Read the God Papers to find out who or what is God, and how this Biblical "contradiction" is logically removed. There is something most people don't know about God and the creation that easily explains this and other apparent contradictions concerning God's nature and person. Documentation¶ bp140» In all of the papers we have written, we have documentation. Let us give an example of a documentation: "The God, all in all." (1Cor 15:28) This is a quote from the New Testament. After this quote we have added, "(1Cor 15:28)." This shows where the quote can be found in the New Testament of the Bible. It indicates that the quote came from the first letter of the Corinthians ("1 Cor"), the 15th chapter ("15:"), and the 28th verse (":28") of the 15th chapter. If we had "2 Cor" it would mean the second letter of the Corinthians. If we had "2Cor 11:4" it would mean we quoted from the second letter of the Corinthians, the 11th chapter, and the 4th verse. But sometimes we have a documentation such as "(1Pet 2:4)" after a sentence that has no quotes. We have such documentation in order to support the previous sentence or sentences, or we have such documentation in order to point out other similar or related views of the previous sentence or sentences, or we have such documentation to add new light to the previous sentence or sentences. Learn all about Christianity and the New Mind, what most churches won't tell you, by going on to the next section. |
BP1 Introduction
"Tolerance of evil breeds more evil" |
All material on this Web site is Copyright © 1971 - 2015 by BeComingOne Church and or Walter R. Dolen Press of the BeComingOne Church This site is the press of the BeComingOne Church: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Those of the world said: "We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man's [Christ's] blood upon us." But Peter and the apostles answered: "All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility ... But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of opinion is, that it is robbing the human race ... If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error." (John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, Chapter 2) Contact Us: E-Mail |